Lesson 10: Creative Visualization

Lesson 10: Creative Visualization

Creative Visualization is the process of using your imagination to create what you want in your life. When you learn to use your natural creative imagination, you are given the keys to tapping into the goodness and beauty of life! Creative Visualization: An...
The Birth Triumvirate ~ Part 2

The Birth Triumvirate ~ Part 2

. Your Soul activated a unique and brilliant Birth Triumvirate the moment you were born. This Triumvirate is made up of a magical set of three unique numbers. Each number carry a very specific vibration and message. When you combine the three numbers (Your Birth...
Lesson 9: The Birth Triumvirate ~ Part 1

Lesson 9: The Birth Triumvirate ~ Part 1

. Your Soul activated a unique and brilliant Birth Triumvirate the moment you were born. This Triumvirate is made up of a magical set of three unique numbers. Each number carry a very specific vibration and message. When you combine the three numbers (Your Birth...
Lesson 8: Energy Vampires & Psychic Attacks

Lesson 8: Energy Vampires & Psychic Attacks

Lesson/Challenge description box. The part of this first paragraph will appear on the Lesson/Challenges page. Be sure to rename the link on this post to the name of the Challenge (versus Lesson Template). Energy Vampires ~ Introduction & Awareness Energy Vampires:...
Lesson 7: Amazing Affirmations

Lesson 7: Amazing Affirmations

We are so much in the habit of judging ourselves, of cutting ourselves off from feeling worthy by supporting your self-esteem & self-worth. If you’re anything like me, you understand how powerful the habit of self-judgment can affect everything and how powerful...
Lesson 6: Sacred Soul Journaling™

Lesson 6: Sacred Soul Journaling™

Sacred Soul Journaling™ is an approach that allows you to embrace your own Soul’s Truth and become a Sacred Observer of your own world. It’s a way of objectively looking at the world and what’s going on around you. It allows you to hear your own deeply rooted truth...